
Tofu Salad with Gomasio and Chili Threads

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If you’re not a fan of tofu, this salad may convert you. Tofu is a sponge and it takes on any flavor you marinate it in, so the right seasoning can totally transform this healthy protein. We spiced it up this time, and infused the tofu overnight in soy sauce, ginger, korean chile flakes and garlic. The tofu then gets pan seared for crispy caramelized edges before adding it to the salad. A turmeric honey ginger vinaigrette dresses the peppery arugula and shaved carrots.

A stunning garnish puts the final touch on this delicious dish. The beautiful red threads you see are toasted chili threads. They add fruity mild heat, as well as a little crunch. With a quick dusting of Gomasio, a mix of toasted sesame seeds and pacific sea salt, the salad is complete.

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