
Chinese Five Spiced Apple Carrot Pie

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Tender carrots are surprisingly sweet when baked in a brown sugar syrup, especially when united with perfect Washington apples and plump little raisin gems. The fresh ginger is a classic pairing with the carrot, and is highlighted perfectly by the Star Anise in our Chinese Five Spice. The all-butter crust recipe I’ve included is a long-time standby of mine, and produces some of the flakiest and best pastry I’ve ever tasted. It will definitely be making an appearance at my Thanksgiving table this year!



  1. Bonnie Tyler says:

    I tried this recipe out this weekend and it’s splended. If I do it again, I’ll parboil the carrots first. Even though I sliced them very thin, they were still a bit too crisp in the finished pie.

    • Larry Richter says:

      Why not grate the carrots? Not too fine, of course. I’ll give it a try.

      • Sherrie says:

        It’s more of a visual thing – having the carrots cut about the same size as the apples is more visually appealing than if they’re grated. But if they’re grated using the larger size on a grater, then it should look just as good. (Try using different colored carrots, too.)

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